Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Hair For Prom Grecian Style

: Vuelapluma Heart Essences

swallowed hard and try to relax, I know the adrenaline is not good advice when looking for inspiration. I avoid looking at the stands full of spectators or TV cameras and concentrate on my instruments: ten pages with special EPRAX technology for the tournament, but surely everything is over long before the fifth, and a simple Bic pen. Many bring glitzy pens made from exotic materials to intimidate the enemy, but to me I've eaten at all, at last and after all they have a valuable these pens is the ink they carry, and that is the same for everyone.

to take another look at my opponents, it seems that I have it pretty easy. I know I should not rely, after all is the final and have come here for something, but I've won a thousand like them and I know I never have anything to offer.

He looks like a pedant, certainly leave here with several broken bones and more than a bruise. She certainly is a cheesy-looking skin is soft and delicate, I would be very sad to leave a scar on it, but I will not hesitate if I am forced to do so, because surely that kind of piety is that which has led all their opponents to fail.

I have it clear: a good defensive paragraph, three or four lines to tweak and then a devastating paragraph ends with both at once. You may also target a couple of lines, bait, or commits one or two spelling mistakes to mislead. In any case if something goes wrong I have always gone well improvise. Doubt is the fastest way to hospital.

The referee gives the signal to the presenter and it begins: "Welcome to the fourth world tournament Vuelapluma!". The show is about three hundred thousand people are burning in the stands, one of us will stand with the victory, the other two will fall between dust and blood. That's what they want is the twenty-first century arena, the culture turned into barbarism and whoever says otherwise is a hypocrite. In my case I know, I like it or not, I can not make a living any other way, I'm not good at anything else, and do not deny that sometimes I enjoy it. But it never ceases to be present fear: fear me and fear me.

deep breath and I adjust my sunglasses rectangular I do not want to see your eyes, I can not let know what I'm thinking.

----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------

The deafening noise and light of outbreaks would bother me a lot ... preferred something intimate, turn away from the madding crowd. But even writing has become a show, give the show, and, indeed, keep up. Anyway, no sweat that expensive makeup can not conceal.
I left the circus, I dragged to the center of the arena in a subtle and, to date, relatively easy. I can hardly contain the laughter as I think everything has been very feline in my head.
never thought this day would come. The truth is that I do not like the idea of \u200b\u200bwounding two of the greats, and what is worse, in the background ... two of mine. But I know the rules, can only be one ... and the girl will play.
Subject to force my Sierra at what kind of fool would think to bring a contest like this, where speed is crucial, a fine tip or pen? I just anybody, but when I realized that I still have too much faith in humans.
Are my arms? a book (do not want to expose myself to fast typing leaves blown off me), my imagination and of course ... me, the most lethal. My neck and my eyes have already toppled a few on the road. At heart, minds, hopes and dreams are not so easy to master that so I felt sorry.
And here I am, in front of two of these things are not going to put it on easy.
A my right one of those guys who are crowned alone. We must be alert. He has the gift of resilience. No doubt his parents and friends will be toady worth a thousand times for this. But despite what is very creative, in my opinion, has committed certain mistakes. Would have to think if you have enough class to be a writer. I also know I should not undervalue, is here for being infinitely more patient than me, and sure of himself, that's for sure, so we'll treat you with respect. Maybe I wet the lips slowly as he looked askance. I will put missing girl's face and a sweet smile. Why? I suspect it a complex heroic, you may feel the need to save another damsel in distress. To my left
player classic enigma. Do not want us to know what you think ... but dare not to look into my eyes. Done that already gives me a hint: I know that at the moment only one thing more than me, winning this contest. And I try, against all odds. Is one of those guys who bet strong, able to take it all or die trying. It seems rational, and extremely logical ... but I do not cheat. Your letter tells me that deep down (but not as much as he'd like to admit) is a creature of passions, impulsive and passionate. Certainly an attractive personality and dangerous ... too. Too bad. It would have been lovely in the middle of a nightclub, ... but here I am upset. And after analyzing
Focus doll, which never fail you pulse. Use the magic and sensuality as only you know it. Smile for the cameras, spectators and your opponents as ever, but without losing the style. Do not hide anything ... the more the fund is least taught. Let them do their own speculating. Often you do not win just by his successes but also failures committed by the other, you know, let alone encounter.
The attack is fast, simple, clean and deadly ... like you. Well attached to the pen, in just a few seconds will kick off.
uses his gift against them starts talking about how the moon moans closed at night, how skin smells after being bitten, how does the dawn when sipping slowly on a neck, the paths that no one travels, the the lure of the forbidden, as is sometimes go waste a diamond collecting stones ...
leave them in check ... and your imagination does the rest. ----------------------------------------------


Too much noise and light concentrate. Too stupid screaming and drooling in the stands. Too much lack of inspiration since we started the show. Why am I here? Where did I come? Are things that even I ask myself now. I just accompanied my bic pen, bitten, and no cap, light and fast. A real foil to wield against whom needed.

So far I have come across only fools and young slum. Believed they could beat me and I hardly have taken two lines cargármelos everyone. And I came without any inspiration ...

Now only three remain, mysterious type who hides her sight after a few glasses, perhaps the typical neighborhood chulito who still believes that Travolta has not gone out of fashion and is sure that no one can know what you think if we can not see his eyes. Until now it has gone well and his style is not bad, some other asshole has left bleeding from the battle and I must admit I found it funny. Knows how to kick ass people. Although make the mistake of thinking that you can use the same strategy.

She is very good, to deceive, and classy writing. I guess that would otherwise drool for it or would use a muse, but in this case is her or me, and I will not let myself be fooled by the swinging of her hips. Perhaps, like others before it, make the mistake of thinking that its delicacy and sensitivity to melt me moment and I'm going to drop our guard, but it will not. I also recognize that their jaws unhinge way makes me gross. It is a real femme fatal, have to be careful because will stop at nothing.

I can not think that the fight will be easy. Sudaremos blood and I know that every sword will be returned twice. A couple of verses, one verse ... all have their fair return and maybe even surprised me a tactic not used before.

honestly do not know why I do this or why I will face these two. I guess I fooled with the "kill or die" I've even taken a taste. But no time to think, within seconds the presenter will lower the arm and the letters begin to rain. I let my hand burn without thinking that the lyrics flow, that writing in its purest form is shown to these two to leave with their mouths open.

Unlike what I sense in them, I will not fight against these two, I will fight against myself and this will be an asset not expect ...

Three, two, one and my ears to the deafening rumble roar of the crowd.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Mederma For Dark Spots

Legend has it that once, a snake began to chase a firefly, it quickly fled the fierce predator, but Snake was not going to stop.
fled one day and she did not give up two days and nothing.
the third day, the Firefly stopped pretending to be exhausted and said unto the serpent,
- Wait, I give up, but before you get me let me ask you some questions.
- I do not usually give it to anyone but as above I think you eat, you can ask.
- Do I belong in your food chain?
- No.
- Have you made some wrong?
- No.
- So what do you want to kill me?

- Because I can not stand to see you shine.
The firefly dared to seek such information, because I wanted to understand the situation that seemed clearly meaningless.
Once aware of numbness and envy of the serpent, just smiled and fly higher and faster still,
with the snake was left wanting for that bit so bright that proved to be beyond their reach. In a nod
end of its light, winged bug shouted to the snake, well above her:
- "It's time you learned to shine yourself in a way so beautiful that we have fireflies, we note with admiration, your big glow "

is approaching end of another year, the end of another decade,
balances time of joy, nostalgia,
specific projects, dreams to fulfill,
of conquests of peaks difficult to achieve,
of laughter, perhaps some tears ...
most considered that all you have brought here,
to be who you are, with your flaws and your many virtues,
yeah! Virtues!
You are a being of light, a being of light that carries the divine spark,
believe more in yourself, believe more in your light,
gains confidence, valórate!
And shine, above all things shine!
Because the more shine and fly higher, more
will be a beacon of inspiration for others,
because you never know when it will be your light that will leave others in the dark

Have a beautiful end of the year,
start and a bright new year!!



Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Grace Babylock Sewing Machine Price

while holding the beer with my hands, watch the bustle of the street and the world seems to stop. This new cafe, which was once a theater, still retains its scenery and its red curtain patched, it is frequented by many people and you can find in their chairs a comfortable refuge to await the end of the world.

look through the glass. I smile because I can not even pierce the cries of the lottery vendor, who in the door and evening after evening, sure to bring the winning ticket. Nor hear the violinist, who on the other side, with his gloves mended and dilapidated and tune an instrument, is determined to destroy the Pachelbel Canon. Inside the room

everything seems at peace, lost balance is restored and none of the other customers unhappy faces outlines. Smile at me and light a cigarette, after the curtain smoke rises, it slows down your look and keep it locked in my memory, I will later, when we are far away and not be able to find the peace that I need to return again to this place and know that all is not lost.

now I stop my thoughts on stage, pulls back the curtain and I imagine on it, lit by a single bulb, radiant, reciting verses and ruffling the hair of anyone. Acting without acting, living and feeling every part of the script. So I like to imagine each day.

're all feeling and love me like this place, as this city. How are you roads we have traveled together. As the beer watered down my throat and it brings to mind old songs from Ismael. And at that moment, nothing matters but half an hour after the bitter cold at night we returned to cold and Its Discontents. Happiness is based on small things.

"Little creature, the purest essence
going in small packages.
My love, I know, the same container
also contains poison.
assume the risk, look at you and you plan
a life full of dreams.
And if not satisfied when we awake,
with daylight and see what we do "

Teathre Irish Rover, Salamanca

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Brang Bus Filme Gratis

A two-step .... Thoughts

A short walk from Christmas!
Two other end of the year! I have lived many things

Dream, love, sense .... Lost

found many things!

these tù tù always present

my soul You never let my heart
Like a trip to infinity ...
always are!

I carry with me Free! unattached
With the doors wide open
when you want to fly

When the doors are open
And the soul is not imprisoned

is quieter ride is more comfortable traveling ..... So I placidly

Like you're
way I am ... so are you


Merry Christmas to all!! Beautiful New Year and
Love is always present!
Thanks for being you, dear friends as

Kisses (The Nativity of the photo as I prepare my daughter, Lucia, my granddaughter, Alicia)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Belly Button After Cesarean


drank wine while trying to write, with your legs bent on top of each other and on the chair. A pose that had always been his own: "no feet touch the ground" - used to tell me with a smile.
thought I had to re-use their own mirror ... did not want more memories and more truth distorted by the eye of others or their own fantasies.
A part of it, he always felt guilty, had been waiting to ask a thousand pardons. The other part, however, knew he would never have the time.
And in your head all made sense ... all except you. So he walked up the cup slowly to his lips and swallowed their pride.
admitted to herself that there had been a single time where, after seeing you in these strange encounters that were repeated over the years had not changed from the inside out. Waving their costs as anyone, I do not know if you know you had this gift ... never really knew why you accepted the responsibility to protect your heart if you kept the box read: "Fragile" .
You see, one more memory ... things that save for save.
But today you no longer smell caused him damage, your presence is not misplaced and could not, and frankly your destination or lips that you had decided to Kiss had passed a shit ... your fear and cowardice had become the tomb that she never wanted to dig for you. Yo, I met anyone else, I know I always hated to think that if you love dying you would have been the murderers. Was definitely
angry and hurt? And never know, I do know is that I was definitely ready to leave your side. Maybe just broke something that should never have touched. Largely killed their most cherished feelings.
came to me one day before departure, and tearfully hugged and vowed not ever forget. I left for you and a rare orchid light for light my darkest night.
- "For if a day will not come to fetch you your dreams" - he said, smiling. And then walked, or rather, returned to his feet off the ground. Because when she walked, when she decided to undertake an adventure it was with all its consequences: defying the rules of the [grave-old.]
When he closed the door behind him I could not help but feel a twinge of curiosity, so I opened the little box that I had left for you, unrolled the note that was inside and I could barely contain a weak smile as he read his sentence . This is what I left for you and me today, I met and I loved her like no other, I have to give it to you in hand:
"DANGER! Heart flammable "

Monday, December 13, 2010

Softball Quotes I Believe

That would
of us, humans,
madness ... That would be our actions if we had no spark
outburst of passion,
extra battery that pushes us to step beyond ...
That would be an artist, a scientist, a businessman, a sportsman,
an adventurer, a dreamer,
a teen and her first love, whether madness is absent
... I can not believe how many shattered dreams, few
unscaled mountains, how many oceans without plumbing,
without crossing deserts, few caves without entering, as sky
furrow, the soil by trampling,
few notes, not combined, few words without rhyme,
not express how much love, laughter without laughing much, much
unproven theory ...
just because reason says you can not,
because the reason does not understand the laughter, the tears do not understand,
because the reason does not understand that the heart struggles and bleeds
for the love that moves
... I can not believe, no, I do not want!
But if I want to feel instead!
Listen to my heart beating without fear of being exposed!
Going a step further, just because I choose give it!
Stand on the edge of the abyss without fear, because they like flying!
Flying without fear of falling, because they like to get up! Let
known routes and make my own way!
feel the sand beneath my feet, the wind in your face!
feel the cool water leaking through my fingers! Feel
rock with my hands, the sun on your skin!
Sinking my fingers into the earth, hear what he has to tell!
lie under the stars, the heat of the fire,
feel the divine presence of angels around me feel the presence
dear to me ...
live, just live,
With the simple, complex, life
feeling with the soul of the child,
who is amazed and happy for everything that includes
as if for the first time ...

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Funny Save The Date Message

air ... maybe

Weary Tired ... maybe .... ever!
In this world that is not his world

When his soul left out
And seals it for Sale
afraid .... big light
That the universe is too small

could love!
In fact ... I love you! I love that record

That will

That immense love for things well done I love your sense
Your moral duty

your faith in life .... yet I love that

wounded bird that continues to fly even without wings
... I love that being in you

Valiente determined, patient
With great fighter to the end

You make life a constant sun light
always there for anyone who looks at you and see and feel ....
That there ..... Love you. -------

I dedicate this to be wonderful
That does not decay in strength or
That joy is always there with his
That does not seem real .... and it is. .... it is!

Rebuilding Outboard Motors

A beer and a cheerleading in my second home and when I forget what I am, and I'm not. I forget my week of stress, and examinations, and suspense, and laboratory practice, and running, always running back and forth and never get anywhere like I've always been moving in circles but without going back even to the point of departure.

There, wrapped by my people, I lose track of space and the concept of responsibility, and short-term memory, and missed calls, shoelaces, the weights off and the shifter. Jealousy has no glue and morning sky will not fall on our heads.

I forget the boss I made an attempt to threaten the first day of work - failed, of course, because it is far from having guns to threaten me properly - I miss the "touched" and "sunken" and for a moment I do not care and not war and peace matters.

And I fall into that state of melancholy finicky, in that false sense of peace, in that false "Tout va bien" that to me does not really mean anything but "Everything is collapsing around me, everything burns and flames are beginning to caress my bare feet, but I feel good about it "

Image: ~ wstfgl

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Toilet Cistern Flushing Mechanism


Here ends this blog.
Is it true or false what was written here?
And the text of the book? Are they fake or real?
Sometimes, many times, everything is pure theater.
Until next time.


Salt Lake City Mixed Wrestling

Tout va bien ... When the city weeps Avail oneself of the Sacred

There was a time when laughter filled my life and my skin absorbed all the tears. The joy was my day to day and the nostalgia was just a written word in dictionaries. It was the happiness of others and let me touch it in the bad moments, gave warmth on cold nights and heard confessions and secrets that nobody else knew.

I know I was important in many lives, filled holes and fill gaps. Vi grow to around me while I was forever young, hoping that other arms surround my body. Endured neglect in trunks, water baths at forty degrees and patches that all my wounds healed.

I accepted that everything worked on the basis of cycles and at the end of each cycle played hide in the trunk until another dawn came. Expected whenever a new life appeared and timid eyes scrutinized me with curiosity. Expected to become someone important, a reference to go back over the years, part of the story of a person ...

And today ... today I am left feeling the cold meat and noticing how wet I rain in this city may cry, in the same way as I do now. My end has come. No more hugs and kisses goodnight. I can not be night watchman or guard against the exercise of ghosts. Today

no more cycles or laughter because someone decided to get rid of my throwing away forcing me to accept. I have fear. I hope a miracle, someone grabbed my hand and rescue me from this cruel end ...

And the city continued to cry ...

For those who are unable to pull one stuffed with us so many times ...

Monday, November 29, 2010

Manual For Kwc Desert Eagle Co2

Tired Souls

The night has its magic
In the darkness that surrounds everything, the figures become blurred ...
For a secret spell the breeze is barely perceptible ...
distant lights of the bank yellow orange cast their reflection on the calm water, resembling columns, that confuse the up and down ...
The overcast sky as a red orange robe, covering the stars and the moon ... .
But they are there, can you imagine them behind the clouds? Music
distant dream echoes of distant drums brought by the water ...
Someone light a bonfire on the beach, far away ...
Rumor of the sand under our feet ... the aroma of eucalyptus
wet with dew
flooding the senses ... I look for your eyes clear
, bright as a star, I get lost in your eyes deep ...
My heart goes on a rampage, my soul throbs with emotions and feelings to the surface ... the distance
resonate fireworks, colored reflections illuminate the sky, enhancing heart rate in each burst ...
Suddenly and without warning comes the hug so dreamed, so strong, so intense so vast, so full of light, so unstoppable, so overwhelming ... that nothing in the universe could separate ...
The world fades around us, everything is gone except you and me, center of our universe, based on our arms make us a single being ...
Sighs, blood bubbling in the heart, energy flowing strokes that we find ...
rub Lips, mouths to meet, kiss bursts into uncontrollable passion ...
Broncos finally loose, free, full ...
magical moment of the night, unique, unrepeatable moment that left its mark on the heart, in the body, soul ... forever ...

Merilyn Sakova Free Gallery

" La Soledad contains your name" at the 11th FLIA (Independent Book Fair and self-managed). View 0:55 min.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

How To Bulid A Batteryman Otk Deck

This Friday at 23 am, make me an interview at the last show of Chronicles of a love. Listen to AM 970, or online at www.radiogenesis970.com . Thanks! Do not miss it! People

Congratulatory Message For New Cell Phone

in Acts in Buenos Aires!

share with you the first note I published "as a journalist."
came out in the journal Made in Buenos Aires, November 2010 edition.
I hope you enjoy it.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Los Angeles Best Strip Club

I will sometimes I felt like an easy target to reach, but to sink is to be patient ... And you see, the world and reality sometimes, unfortunately, have. The fact is that that evening she was tired of walking the streets (as has become customary), tired of foreign debt, unemployment tired, tired of racism, tired of gay marriage, tired of housing prices, tired of the eternal abortion debate ... did I mention tired? Well ... The truth is I was sad, devastated by the unnecessary cruelty and, as always, free. If I'm honest that evening was not as others, was one of those days when you do not know why, but it breaks the soul in every corner.
And oh, miracle! I found a small church in a corner of the streets in my neighborhood. First of all I want to clarify that I am not Christian, let alone Catholic ... but I feel great respect, (if not real fascination) for the interiors of faith. My love for the church goes back to my twelve years when I discovered they were a perfect place to read, think, think ... later, older, get them used to pervade the smell of incense and wax, walk its halls listening to the echo of my footsteps, to read the Latin inscriptions of soil, stones and walls, to admire the statues of saints, stained glass, domes, and even to sit down and listen to the philosophy hidden in a sermon which he preached the priest on duty. I must confess that some were really interesting. Anyway, I have always felt quiet inside what is called peace.
So I went and sat in one of the wooden benches. I stared askance at people praying in a whisper kneeling before the altar. I felt so small and bewildered, had a lump in the chest and suddenly I began to wonder "why do this?". And ... what was a non believer like me in a church before Jesus crucified? ...
Later I realized that what sometimes happens is that there are thoughts and ramblings, that however much we try hard to deny, are hidden prayers. Can not be otherwise, are simply requests that we launched in silence and without realizing it. That day I had all evening begging for something ... yes I was asking for something.
still do not know the why ... or what ... or who ... but I could not take it anymore and I began to mourn.
be that the only way I have to run away from this gray, noisy city that sometimes do not understand ... or maybe it is the only way is to invoke sacred XXI century.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Squash Courts In Bay Area Best

Between sheets to the wind we

Between sheets are cold We have plenty of heat

We love each day flowers
To the sound of your waves
And mine do not have hours

time I reach there ... I'll catch you stretch

swam .... .... pass me float

intertwine We already abound We burn the savannas
! We broiled

intense heat from the top we
And there ... we miss and we

In constant love !!.... Burning
God! ... As we love! ---------

For this flame that still burns

for this love we release
That leaves us in every pore ....
And together we breathe!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Cigna Ppo Dental Coverage


Surely everyone who reads me see me as someone more depressed than optimistic, but it's true, is impossible to write something in conditions when one feels good or happy.

And in the end, if life is a game, I am the Battleship Fleet aircraft carrier: an easy objective to achieve, but to sink is to be patient.

(And, of course, also bullets).

- You can not.
- Touched.

- Sorry ...
- Touched.

- Goodbye
- Touched.

- I do not want.
- Touched.

The alarm sounds, the light turns red. All your posts! The ship capsize. We have met! The walls reverberate. Sparks fly and flooded cellars. But the mask bow is impassible. His effigy is not changed, her face does not flinch, does not lengthen his shadow, her face does not scratch.

And although the ship has not yet been fully stabilized and apprentices are bailing water and plugging holes, the captain back on track and holding the pipe with his right hand bellows: It is our turn! Aim!


~ Photo-print caterpillar

Monday, November 15, 2010

Lisa Mitchell Vancouver Bc

Wild Horses in the wind ...
that are emotions, feelings
not be contained,
can not stop, can not be controlled
need to be freed ...
need to be expressed!
emerging of nowhere,
juggernaut with Hurricane ...
nothing can stop them, nor the mind
can ..
nor soul dares ...
because ...
feel excited and reminds us that we are alive ...
feel excited and connects us with the deepest
and the highest ...
excited and feel, connects us with the here and now ..
not yesterday, not tomorrow .. today, now!
when you feel it is now is the time you get excited,
is now when the whirlwind of sensations and feelings
surround you, you move, you drive ...
you back to yourself your heart, maybe you are ...

when was the last time you felt a wild horse galloping
the wind ...?
when was the last time that allows you to release?
what do you expect?


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A Week Before Period And I Feel Wet

Sad happiness

Sometimes I do not know if I'm confused or sad or just sad and confused. I feel something inside me that drives me smile constantly and yet I do not. The need to write takes over at that point in my hand, like a crack addict it were, I have to rush, feeling cramps throughout the body until I sit in front of a page and I get to write.

begin to feel a sense of relief as the words are flowing, I relax the muscles and mouth begin to savor the nostalgia. Sad memories hit my head and flow through the arm tingling. Each new idea to drive out this way is a liberation. Sometimes I see as letters refuse to walk out when the comb of the pen, scratching the walls and shouting, but I have no mercy and the role turns out to be his tomb.

If you reread once, the stomach flips and my mind travels to those places, wearing old clothes and old reminds me of lipstick smells and spite. If you reread it sometimes felt more freedom and becomes a smile (albeit temporary) appears on my face. Once my arm is relaxed and there is nothing more than spitting became aware of what happened. I have plunged into a deep depression where even the whiskey has been able to bring me afloat. My table was the blank page and the waves that have led me to the edge points in it The murals. However

feel fear, because fear immerse myself too long in that depression removable, in that sense of guilt, resentment and hatred. In that bloody dance in a waltz that sounds with the rhythm of the past, where this does not matter and even for the future. I fear being addicted to the temporary sadness, pessimism, momentary defeat. I guess just in that state I can show myself, playing the notes that move my soul and to compose the melody of my life.

Is that we are too afraid to be happy?

tristefelicidad I prefer.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Is It Safe For A Human To Take Rimadyl

Wind Wild Horses Heart of a child ...

Heart To wake the world

look around And it's all enjoy
Nothing is final, everything is flowing
Spread your madness

Your fickleness
your candor

your purity And you poke a life so full of confidence

future so full of

Your Emotions are like water from a river overwhelming

Like the fire that embraces

Everything is Everything is awakening curiosity. .. Learning

way ..... As you will be in the autumn of your life. ------------------------

to that inner child

That beats fast and eager to be-no limits! To that heart

child in you .... in my
For this fall we live
And it is only in the skin
Being For this
We are now children like yesterday!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Warning Signs Of An Approaching Stroke

removable wheels Pavilion

I know it's impossible to write something in conditions when one feels good or happy. For some reason the Muses always come to the rescue when we hit the sadness, heartbreak, torments, or uncertainty. It occurs to me now think again you have always been my inspiration, that I lost and that saves me ... my best friend, for making me dream, my own worst enemy by being the only one still able to hurt me.

My head takes years utilizándote, fingering your memory drift between nightmares, afraid to say goodbye. I guess because it suits my soul writer ... when I take something out of habit I turn to some so addicted to it.

But now, sitting in this hospital room, time passes differently and you go to import rather limited, to say nothing.

Here are happy people and sad people, it's amazing what you can produce in us the information, knowledge. As you can change your life in one second ...

The guy in the room 22, the girl crying in the room 23 laughs. Everything is a perfect compendium of smiles and tears, endless corridors, cold and heat, flowers and empty beds. Take so long trying to understand life, I confess that sometimes I forgot to live. I honestly do not know if I can ever forgive myself, but luckily today I played a special ward: that of the infectious.

Indeed I think I have caught something, and for better or for worse I remind the flavor they have the stuff ... I miss.

- "Happiness" - says the doctor looked at me sternly.

"Are they good or bad news?" - Wonder of laughter.

would not know what to say. And I'm honest. I know, I know that this disease should be exploited, nobody knows how long. There are people living in the future, people living in the past, then I am.

But this today is my flag, and the truth is that I like this room, so full of light and life. What nobody knows is that I have thought to escape tonight, before I injected antibodies to fight this disease that could last a year, a month, for a moment, perhaps just what it takes to write, what it takes to forget you, what it takes to tell myself that all give a shit, they will not be me.

What I know is I do not want to catch me here again the scheme or Actually, with their white coats, dull and pristine ... I know is I do not want to be here when melancholy comes to whisper: "You're cured."

Only one thing I regret: not being here to see faces put.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

How To Make To Ears On A Gir Hoodie Stand Up

two blocks below the mine there is a junction with poor visibility, forcing almost completely stop the yield to vehicles approaching from the left . However, not being a particularly busy, most drivers should give way cross not just slow down, and after little more than take a quick look.

This fact is known by all the neighbors, and so, even when coming down the street has preference, prefer to brake to avoid an accident.

As a neighbor, was something that I usually put into practice. However, on rare occasions, when life shows me his face bitter disappointment when the blinds me making me see everything more clearly and my heart melts in thick drops of oil, not only brake, but floor the throttle slightly, always waiting for a side impact in which only one door would come between me and a huge SUV. As looking suicide without feeling the guilt inherent to it. Create my own catastrophe and not feel guilty. I repeat: for once not feeling guilty.

is like tossing a coin and know that for a moment can be as expensive as a cross. In the free fall in this momentary "that is what God wants," the dictatorship of fate, the fact can not even control my life or my death floats in the limbo of the odds and living the boundless freedom of who has been able to risk everything.

those precious moments in my muscles relax and a very slight smile on my face hints at the prospect of waiting another reckless driver, for someone to finish what I have not had eggs to start.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Meningitis Symptoms Rash Itchy?

The guy already has a blog! Interview


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Calculator To Calculate All Possible Numbers


doubt. I doubt if you follow five minutes or an hour sleeping when the alarm rings. I wake up and wonder. I doubt if you put your shirt or polo. Hesitate before opening the tap to wash my face "hot or cold? And I doubt before leaving home Did I forget anything?

doubt between catching the first car or wait for the next, I doubt at the thought of sitting down or stay standing. I doubt if I choose to open my book instead of turning on the mp3 for the music rock me way to work. At that time the doubters are travelers around when your eyes hit the cover of the book that I maintain, always covered with a brochure advertising a supermarket and raises his eyebrow at not being able to satisfy their curiosity, I doubt at the thought of one day withdrawing brochure. I doubt when I

vein swell at work, I do not know whether to shout or smile. I doubt when I have wanted to lie to the mother of a chieftain of three to the room. I doubt at the thought of leaving everything to escape and to do something else.

doubt when choosing the menu for lunch, I also happened to the drink. When I finish I do not know if a coffee or a walk. I doubt if they return home by bus, metro or even walk.

I doubt whether to write an email or phone call, she ends up sending an sms. I doubt if you buy an apartment on the moon or setting foot on the floor at once. I hesitate to lie down, sit, or sleep on the couch. I doubt listen to music, watch a movie or series. Between jogging and walking. Between listening to Quique, Ismael or get to play the guitar.

I doubt when I open the fridge and dining touches. Do you keep or break your diet? I doubt if they will put something interesting on TV, even when lighting. I doubt whether to laugh or mourn. Between shower or bath. Benedetti "or Neruda?

And then you call me, I hear your voice and for the first time all day the doubts dissipate. Certainties begin to arrive, wanting to fly without vertigo. You're the peace that calms the doubt and then I close my eyes and fall asleep with a smile because I do not doubt you.

Picture by: Gabriela

Friday, September 24, 2010

Itch After Gallbladder Surgery

Uncle Waldo
Gaston Mazieres

"Can you collect all the defects in the same person? Yes "

With John Tyrrell
Silvia Levy
Carolina Morales Rodrigo Raffetto

21.30hs Saturday. The Stained Glass Theatre. Rodríguez Peña 344.

Lighting Design
Fernando Dopazo.

Fernando Ferrer.

authorial collaboration
Juan Gustavo Corvalan.

Graphic Design
Damian Aliberti.

Assistant director Ignacio Javier Olguin.

direction and staging
Gaston Mazieres.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Ultimate I Spy For Wii 6 Arrows

23.15 HS x
PHONE SO WE STOPPED TIME presents "I LOVE YOU" where he worked

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Buy Speed Queen Washing Machine In Richmond Va

Viviana Saccone. AAAP

Texts Lacube photo of Ignacio Javier Olguin interview! Http://www.ellitoral.com/index.php/diarios/2010/08/28/nosotros/NOS-05.html