Monday, November 29, 2010

Manual For Kwc Desert Eagle Co2

Tired Souls

The night has its magic
In the darkness that surrounds everything, the figures become blurred ...
For a secret spell the breeze is barely perceptible ...
distant lights of the bank yellow orange cast their reflection on the calm water, resembling columns, that confuse the up and down ...
The overcast sky as a red orange robe, covering the stars and the moon ... .
But they are there, can you imagine them behind the clouds? Music
distant dream echoes of distant drums brought by the water ...
Someone light a bonfire on the beach, far away ...
Rumor of the sand under our feet ... the aroma of eucalyptus
wet with dew
flooding the senses ... I look for your eyes clear
, bright as a star, I get lost in your eyes deep ...
My heart goes on a rampage, my soul throbs with emotions and feelings to the surface ... the distance
resonate fireworks, colored reflections illuminate the sky, enhancing heart rate in each burst ...
Suddenly and without warning comes the hug so dreamed, so strong, so intense so vast, so full of light, so unstoppable, so overwhelming ... that nothing in the universe could separate ...
The world fades around us, everything is gone except you and me, center of our universe, based on our arms make us a single being ...
Sighs, blood bubbling in the heart, energy flowing strokes that we find ...
rub Lips, mouths to meet, kiss bursts into uncontrollable passion ...
Broncos finally loose, free, full ...
magical moment of the night, unique, unrepeatable moment that left its mark on the heart, in the body, soul ... forever ...


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