Thursday, February 24, 2011

Which Color Of Lifesavers Melt Faster

Athan and Altair (Part 3) Half an hour short

To follow the thread of the story: Part I Part II

You must not think that Altair blushed easily. In fact, any self-respecting Witch will be removed and colors as well ... but there was something special about this boy, something that aroused the tenderness of Altair.

- What is your name child?

-Athan replied the young man smiling with that smile charmingly deceitful, typical bohemians.

"You have a beautiful name," said Altair honeyed voice "Well, Athan, I will get in situation: just destroy my garden and are not paying me or how this mess.

And seeing that the boy was smiling away to answer added:

- Do you know who I am?

"Of course I do," said Athan with a simplicity very brave (because, and this is undeniable, Athan was really brave) - Everyone in town knows who you are. Includes many things about you, your family and this house. But quiet ... I do not believe them.

certainly will not need to explain to you how much this light-hearted gesture surprised the Witch. Altair was not used to this kind of impertinence. To be exact, Altair was not used to many of the things that any being with feelings should be used.

- Are not you afraid? "- He asked with a gesture that mixed admiration and prayer.

And the tone was tinged appeal because deep Altair wished with all his might that the answer is no. Athan
looked into her eyes, those two dark dragonflies and yet so full of light that remained sealed, and did not hesitate for a second time to answer.

-No. Should I?

"No." replied Altair concealing a sigh of relief.

It was at that moment when he realized Athan that this mysterious being hiding too lonely, too many tears, too sad ... too many secrets to a single heart.

I did not want to be rude, so I would not in any way provide compassion ... I knew that if he doubted for a moment of strength the proud Altair would feel uncomfortable.

Athan Is not that was smart?, Is not had a heart of gold?

And you'll never have to try a Witch with condescension. You, which ye shall have ever met in your life (or if you are very lucky maybe even twice) with a witch, no doubt you know what I mean. May now himself did not remember the time or place, but calm. It usually happens that when we get older, we forget that one day we ran out of the blue with the Magic ... after all the years, apropos of nothing and without a reason, you see, suddenly aware that there was a day that we came across a Witches. The human mind sometimes has some very strange things.

- What do you do Athan?, Where do you live?, Does not sound like never seen you around here.

-Say I come and go, the truth is I'm like the wind. I sleep anywhere: inns, clearings, a cabin ... I discovered a long abandoned chapel on the outskirts of town and that's where I started to develop my profession, if you can call it what I do.

- What do you do besides writing poetry, writing and ... correct me if I'm wrong ... play several instruments? "Said Altair intrigued.

"No, you're wrong," said Athan with that smile that was beginning to attract Altair hopelessly "Well, the truth is that I spend most of their time training the eagles. My idea initially was to train real owls, I love the Owls! but it was very painful for me to see them in captivity, and unfortunately just ignore when they are domestic. Instead eagles are birds Wild, loyal, but without an owner. You can leave them free knowing that they will, that nothing bad will happen to them and will fight against all odds until they have completed their mission ... not for nothing is the queen of heaven, they know how to defend. Many people do not realize that they can be friends with an eagle, an ally, but never their master. And yet, they are more capable beings I know, and the most effective at the time of ride the sky.

Witch laughed. Never in his life (and believe me when I say that he had lived a long time) had heard anything like it. I had heard about the training of hawks, the owls ... but training "Eagles? That seemed fascinating. And beginning to think that magical boy had not landed in his garden accident.

You see, the truth is that Altair had a secret, a desire to meet ... but not anticipate events, all in due time.

"Mmmm ... I think I know how you reward me at the garden. Athan, I need to get a message something peculiar, I need something that is able to fly very high ... and far, far away. Do you think that your Eagles could be strong enough and fast for this mission? "Said the Witch with the brightness of the fascination in cat eyes. "You'll

the fastest, "said Athan coming within inches of her hair (maybe because I wanted to smell it for the first time)-I promise.

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

- Have you ever crossed a Witch? Athan asked Altair to interrupting the story.

"Sure," said this, as if this was the most natural thing in the world.

- And how is your hair? - Asked Altair's restless, always expect a wonderful explanation of Athan.

and hope to reason, why he, in fact, always gave it. Athan ... That was wonderful, and you know that only leave the wonderful people wonderful things, pun intended.

Witches' Well, usually have long black hair that covers their shoulders. And believe me, Altair, is so bright that every hair on his moon looks like a thread. But that is not the most curious. O no, no, no ... there's more. The best thing is that when they are pleased the hair will grow faster, about two inches per second of happiness. For example, we know that Witch is in love when the hair arrives at about the waist.

This explanation seemed to Altair so precious that it almost could have sworn that it now felt like she was growing hair. And not because he was eager to continue the story would have gone to the bathroom mirror to check.
-Sea so he said to giving her a hug Athan.

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

La Bruja invited the young troubadour, poet, vagabond and eagles trainer to pass inside, and started brewing.

When Athan sat in the chair with a black cat jumped on his lap and looked at him questioningly, as if he could see his soul. Altair would tell that he was not sure if really liked your cat, but he was about to do something caught her attention. Witch swear that his hair was longer than a few seconds.

- "Nobody's hair grows so fast," thought the boy "must be imagining things."

"Easy," said Altair as if he had read my mind "It's Meow, an old friend, do not do anything ... if you're good, of course. And giggled maliciously .- Do you know that the Witches can read the coffee grounds with the cup still full?

- Really? "Said Altair between intrigued and fun - what does mine? Altair

looked with feigned attention to the contents of the cup.

"That I have a lilac garden behind my house ... they are a very peculiar purple, just open the full moon. And, if you want, you can stay the night to sleep, so you teach them.

And, his hair a little longer than usual, smiled.


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