Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Kidney Stones In Diarrhea

Thoughts True love in the air ...

believe in such simple things as the amananecer
in the mountains,
the sunset in the sea \u200b\u200b
believe in the dew on the grass,
the aroma of pine trees after rain,
summer rain,
a warm fire in winter,
the rainbow of spring,
Autumn Gold,
believe in laughter and innocence of children,
believe in the magic of the elves and fairies,
think a better future is possible
if we make this a paradise this ...
I believe in the freedom to think and express
believe in freedom of feeling,
believe in the sincerity of the clear look,
believe in the power of the hug,
in the miracle of life,
still believe in people, because I believe in myself, because
river, cry, get excited and surprised me because I am alive
because I stand before the storm,
but bow my head before the greatness divine
because my heart beats and blood
boils in my veins,
because I believe in love,
because you existed even before I knew ...
Because life is a miracle,
because love is life ...
because I choose to live the miracle of each day
with all the strength of my heart and soul ....

how about you, you believe in?



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