Sunday, March 13, 2011

How To Install A Aftermarket Backup Camera

Oh! Shit! The title ...

Because we have two weeks without updating the blog, because it is a Sunday afternoon and no rain. It's a dirty job and somebody has to. Let's try something new: you ... Ten? Yes, ten is good. You have ten minutes to create the base text, that of which you talk. After five to reconsider and five for corrections and flourishes. Ten more to pass the half-hour computer and you have to have a story published. And the time is counting.

no preconceived ideas what do we now? Tic-tac tic-tac. Acting without thinking, like life itself. Then comes repentance, but do not even have time for that, because you have to act without thinking back to something else. Just get to do some automatic writing.

Stop! Stop the Rotary! Let's stop a moment the world. For five minutes nothing happens around them. This makes it easier. This should be provided. So you have time to look into my eyes and wonder where is the novel that I promised two years ago, which saved me life and all that. I'll say something obvious like a piano, but you can not imagine how good it is to stop occasionally and look into his eyes. I have seen more of what I have written. Hala, you can keep spinning.

have you ever run into a stone and when you fell you've gone to stumble into the air twice with the same stone? There are things that are determined to defy physics for some reason I can not understand that. And the stone ... What do you think of this? I can write the story of the stone that was hit several times by the same foot. The stone adventurer who traveled the roads looking distracted feet, preferably barefoot. Or the story of that poor stone was launched to roll on the world in search of that snowy walk to melt the minerals in love with your heart of stone. Rolling Stone Road movies and soundtrack of the Rolling Stones. The Myth of Sisyphus is the story of a stone in an amusement park.

I do not know why I speak of stones if I take a season beating my own record of not tripping over it. Could it be that I'm maturing? Or worse, is it age?

There are times when so many things come so fast that the first instinct is to feel violated, but then you just accept it and finally becomes a kind of drug. And you need ... other developments, and other developments. She likes to dopamine, give more dopamine. You hiperexpectante, restless if things do not come automatically. In quiet moments need to get up and do something, if things do not come alone should force them on your own, but give flying blind. And when you realize it's Sunday afternoon and try to get nostalgic for writing, but not even rain. Feel fully alive in the bland routine should be very similar this. Every detail draws your attention, as if you had five years and you were discovering the world for the first time. And yet, as I neglect can be stressful.

Vale, we are still within time. Quick rereading. I think the text has the same level of language that he wrote fifteen years. But it is an experiment, maybe next time it comes out better, to make an egg must break some tortillas. There may be no next time. Ok, uploaded to bBogger, now a photo. Devianart random seek in y. .. perfect. You're all I have to publish y. .. Oh! Shit! The title ...

Indeed, the image is ~ astrocrack


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