Thursday, January 27, 2011

Doushin Muscle Dystrophy

Athan and Altair (Part I)

rugs fit well to the body as he lay down on the bed. Since I can remember he liked to tell him stories before bed, and she ... well, let's say she enjoyed renting time, the fire of the fire, the words and the night ... just for him.

Sometimes he felt like he was growing too fast, the world looked like he had little and, as adults do, he rejected everything. But other times he looked with eyes wide open, with that commitment and capacity to childlike wonder. It was then that she could not resist.

be convinced that nobody in their right mind would still out there ... but, luckily for the "eternal child" Altair was not in his senses. You should not miss this, after all, (and as often happen to people who have grown in fits and starts) to high he had two or three old tears kept in a drawer somewhere, but only a trust ... and that trust was Athan.

- "What story want to tell you today? "- he said smiling sweetly.

-"¡¡¡ The Cat in Boots !!!"- Athan said without hesitation.

- "But if you know by heart ... do not you prefer to tell you how he got into Ali Baba's cave of Wonders through a lift of strawberry, and as found there a blue unicorn?"

- " It would be nice ... but now I rather fancy that I count as Penelope and Circe became friends, at the Forest Oaks Color Purple "- Athan countered with a grin.

Indeed, as you have already found, between Athan and Altair, it's all happening this ... even the classic stories and fairy tales. Sometimes Altair was afraid, because I thought the fire of imagination one day I would get out of hand. Athan looked sideways and, fighting back tears, silently wished that never grow up ... and never change.

- "Well ..." - Altair replied lying down beside her "... well we still do not remember that story well. That speaks of a Witch, and a cat ... "

-"¡¡¡ Ah, yes !!!"- said Athan" happy "that story! Yes! It is certainly the one I feel like tonight "- he said.

And lay back in bed was prepared to listen to while his eyes shone like two stars.

know why Athan much evidence, of all possible stories, chose precisely that: the impossible. Had not yet established and that both were passionate. They knew that after a time would tell, and another and another and another ... until it became a story of life on a true story would change from generation to generation.

If Altair had been an elderly person or sound had stopped at that time and had told the frown, "Athan ... we have to stop doing this ... we spent two and twenty years ... grow up a bit."

Did I not yet commented Athan age? Well, you will have time to apologize. You see, is that in reality, the age and time, in this story, have no importance.

Altair And after all dreamed of being the brightest star in the constellation Aquila, as the name suggests ... I told you not? Oops ... I apologize again. Anyway, as you know, the end of the day ... everyone expects something.


NOTE: Athan, Greek name means immortal, eternal. Altair is the brightest star in the constellation of the eagle, the Arabs called originally elnars-el-Tair, from which derived the name of Altair.

Image: The star Altair, photographed by NASA.


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