Saturday, April 30, 2011

Sore Gums After Tooth Removed?

What is your mission?

There was once a writer who lived on the banks of a huge wild beach where he had a house where she spent time writing and looking for inspiration for his book.
was intelligent and educated, with awareness about the important things in life.
One morning while walking by the sea in the distance saw a figure moving strangely as if dancing.
As he approached he saw a boy who spent collecting starfish from the shore and throwing them back into the sea.
The man asked the young man was doing.
This he said: "I pick the starfish have been stranded and returned to the sea, the tide has dropped too, and many die.
the writer said: "But this you do not make sense, first it is your destiny, will die and be food for other animals and there are thousands of stars at this beach, you never have time save all.
The young man looked at the letter, took a starfish from the sand, threw it with force above the waves and said, "for them ... if it makes sense. "
is writer left a little bewildered, could not be explained and conduct."
That afternoon was no inspiration to write and at night did not sleep well, dreamed of the young stars mar por encima de las olas.
A la mañana siguiente corrió a la playa, buscó al joven y le ayudó a salvar estrellas.

¿Y tú?
¿Ya sabes cuál es tu misión?

Abrazos del alma!
- Carlos -

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Why Does My Cat Bite A Blanket And Moan

Grandma! play? Desire

Corazón of my life beautiful girl
total Tenderness
Smile Always
soul wide open

my life
Light and caress
put my passion in you every day

You talk and talk and count your things
With this language
girl who discovers the world

smile and laughter
And those songs that fills yours
life of this grandmother yours

That beautiful you are, you tell me
that innocence and that tenderness
That floods my soul
And it makes me feel
Rife with this

Grandma! play? And this grandmother
plays and plays, which she delivered to the
love .... And back to being a girl

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Best Antibiotic For Stds

Casual Watches: Watches

Credits: Sozaiya-san

Fried Veggie How Many Calories

Stars and Hearts, "Calaveras"

Solo before "Bad Girls" * O

Credits: Sozaiya-san

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Weaknesses And Resistances Chart

Dosmasdos Special

came home and dug staggered keys in your pocket, quickly find and when he finally did and it got out of hand. He stooped to pick them up and hit his head against the wall. Rubbing the blow with one hand and cursing between his teeth, the other tried to fit them into the bowler. In the fifth managed to open the door and ran to the bathroom as he could with all that bumping in the hallway. While vomiting

excesses did not stop thinking about his encounter, why did he have to be just that night, just as he began to forget? Two years ago since their last meeting, seven hundred thirty seven hundred and thirty days and nights to forget and just ten seconds to return to and remember her, stronger than ever. He wished with all his might spit, out of its body and quickly pull the string but what if it were a barnacle, she clutched her belly, wounding and tearing each corner.

meet had dreamed many times, first smile and then yell at your face. To forgive, to say that no matter which the only thing that mattered was her happiness that she could not find him and it might have found in the arms of another.

But suddenly knew that everything was a lie. Not bear to see her smile, or media that was so neat and slim, nor endured the type relied on his side with an air of arrogance. He really fucked her so happy and be aware of it made him feel even more guilty.

thought to approach to say hello, perhaps why so much time had arranged things, but he did because he feared most in the bottom line is that she had forgotten, not remembered him, barely a speck out dust in the past. And he left the room, leaving behind her smile, her perfume and essence.

tried to forget the game at all costs, tried to have fun, tried not to think. But just try not to do something to make it even harder. He drank water until the last vase and had to be dragged out of the last bar. Now spit out all their shame. He wiped his sleeve and was fumbling to his room to lie down. Before closing his eyes shed tears.

And then I was clear. His problem was not her, her problem was that I had lost hope.

Image: Daniel

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Mixing Hydroxycut With Adipex

Directory Project Cute-kawaii ^ ^

as Ta! I have the pleasure to introduce ....
This is the name of the new draft-kawaii Cute Luv and this is a new blog that will be a directory of blogs ^ ^ ammm something like a section of Affi * o * but with much blogs;)
This is still just an idea {Not to say that does not come true ¬ ¬ u} because it is not practical because I have not yet personitas xD so I want to invite all world to join this fun project, whose main aim is the union of blogs as a community thing: D
Participating in Cute-Kawaii Directory have the following advantages:
-More {visits your blog will be more familiar: D}
-meet new people
-Learn about other blogs
-and lalala ~ much ~
I must say that the directory will have everything and not only specialize in kawaii ~ this means that no matter if your blog is a beauty, music, fashion, personal blogs etc. etc. As your blog, you can participate! ^ ^
If you belong to Cute-kawaii Directory all you have to do is give you click on the contact me below {this} and fill the form that appears: D
In a message - enter the subject of your blog:] for example:
My blog specializes in Asian Music ♥ luv luv} {^ ^
That's all, questions? can do it in the message; D

If you like to invite all you little people: D no matter whether they are children etc etc ALL have xD ^ U ^
Thanks in advance! ^ ^

Lightweight Car Trailer

Dividers: Multiple Mini emoticons

How To Make Eevee Evolve Into Leafeon In Indigo

minig gifs / emoticons
